PRD Management, Inc., Contributes to the Vaccination Effort
January 15, 2021 | General

We are proud to announce that Nora Gardens, one of the Section 202 Elderly Assisted properties, has recently held a vaccination event for our senior residents. Thank you to everyone who made this event possible including the property staff and the professionals at Walgreens Pharmacy!
The safety and health of all the residents of PRD managed properties has always been a top priority. During the pandemic, this commitment has reached a whole new level. Recently, PRD partnered with Walgreens Pharmacy for a vaccination event at Nora Gardens in Union, New Jersey, which is a Section 202 Elderly Assisted property. This classification has ensured the inclusion of its residents in the current wave of vaccination distributions. The onsite event helped make sure that as many residents as possible have the opportunity to receive the Covid-19 vaccination. The residents of Nora Gardens are seniors and face many challenges to their independence; thanks to this vaccination event, they may take comfort in the accessibility and ease with which they can fulfill this critical healthcare need. PRD is thrilled to be able to facilitate this initiative and is dedicated to providing the supportive services needed by our community’s residents.